Thursday, January 24, 2013

Pemimpin Menurut Islam

Kata-kata khalifah dalam Al Qur an menunjukkan bahwa setiap manusia di muka bumi ini adalah pemimpin, baik linkup besar atau lingkup kecil, pemilihan pemimpin itu pun harus sesuai dengan apa yang disyariatkan.
Dalam Islam sudah ada aturan-aturan yang berkaitan tentang pemimpin yang baik diantaranya :

Beriman dan Beramal Shaleh
Ini sudah pasti tentunya. Kita harus memilih pemimpin orang yang beriman, bertaqwa, selalu menjalankan perintah Allah dan rasulnya. Karena ini merupakan jalan kebenaran yang membawa kepada kehidupan yang damai, tentram, dan bahagia dunia maupun akherat. Disamping itu juga harus yang mengamalkan keimanannya itu yaitu dalam bentuk amal soleh. 

Niat yang Lurus
Hendaklah saat menerima suatu tanggung jawab, dilandasi dengan niat sesuai dengan apa yang telah Allah perintahkan.Karena suatu amalan itu bergantung pada niatnya, itu semua telah ditulis dalam H.R bukhari-muslim
Dari Amīr al-Mu’minīn, Abū Hafsh ‘Umar bin al-Khaththāb r.a, dia menjelaskan bahwa dia mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: 
“Sesungguhnya setiap amal perbuatan tergantung pada niatnya. Dan sesungguhnya setiap orang (akan dibalas) sesuai dengan niatnya. Barangsiapa yang hijrahnya karena Allah dan Rasul-Nya, maka hijrahnya kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Dan barangsiapa yang hijrahnya karena urusan dunia yang ingin digapainya atau karena seorang wanita yang ingin dinikahinya, maka hijrahnya sesuai dengan apa yang diniatkannya tersebut” 

Karena itu hendaklah menjadi seorang pemimpin hanya karena mencari keridhoan ALLAH saja dan sesungguhnya kepemimpinan atau jabatan adalah tanggung jawab dan beban, bukan kesempatan dan kemuliaan.

Dalam Al-qur'an surat An nisaa' (4) :34 telah diterangkan bahwa laki laki adalah pemimpin dari kaum wanita. 

“Kaum laki-laki itu adalah pemimpin bagi kaum wanita, oleh karena Allah telah melebihkan sebagian mereka (laki-laki) atas sebagian yang lain (perempuan), dan karena mereka (laki-laki) telah menafkahkan sebagian dari harta mereka. Sebab itu maka wanita yang saleh ialah yang ta’at kepada Allah lagi memelihara diri (maksudnya tidak berlaku serong ataupun curang serta memelihara rahasia dan harta suaminya) ketika suaminya tidak ada, oleh karena Allah telah memelihara “(mereka; maksudnya, Allah telah mewajibkan kepada suami untuk mempergauli isterinya dengan baik).

Ayat ini menegaskan tentang kaum lelaki adalah pemimpin atas kaum wanita. Menurut Imam Ibnu Katsir, lelaki itu adalah pemimpin wanita, hakim atasnya, dan pendidiknya. Karena lelaki itu lebih utama dan lebih baik, sehingga kenabian dikhususkan pada kaum lelaki, dan demikian pula kepemimpinan tertinggi. Karena Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda:
“Tidak akan beruntung suatu kaum yang menyerahkan urusan (kepemimpinan) mereka kepada seorang wanita.”(Hadits Riwayat Al-Bukhari dari Hadits Abdur Rahman bin Abi Bakrah dari ayahnya). 

Tidak Meminta Jabatan
Rasullullah bersabda kepada Abdurrahman bin Samurah Radhiyallahu’anhu,”Wahai Abdul Rahman bin samurah! Janganlah kamu meminta untuk menjadi pemimpin.Sesungguhnya jika kepemimpinan diberikan kepada kamu karena permintaan, maka kamu akan memikul tanggung jawab sendirian, dan jika kepemimpinan itu diberikan kepada kamu bukan karena permintaan, maka kamu akan dibantu untuk menanggungnya.” (Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)

Berpegang pada Hukum Allah.
Ini salah satu kewajiban utama seorang pemimpin.Allah berfirman,”Dan hendaklah kamu memutuskan perkara diantara mereka menurut apa yang diturunkan Allah, dan janganlah kamu mengikuti hawa nafsu mereka.” (al-Maaidah:49).

Memutuskan Perkara Dengan Adil
Rasulullah bersabda,”Tidaklah seorang pemimpin mempunyai perkara kecuali ia akan datang dengannya pada hari kiamat dengan kondisi terikat, entah ia akan diselamatkan oleh keadilan, atau akan dijerusmuskan oleh kezhalimannya.” (Riwayat Baihaqi dari Abu Hurairah dalam kitab Al-Kabir).

Menasehati rakyat
Rasulullah bersabda,”Tidaklah seorang pemimpin yang memegang urusan kaum Muslimin lalu ia tidak bersungguh-sungguh dan tidak menasehati mereka, kecuali pemimpin itu tidak akan masuk surga bersama mereka (rakyatnya).”

Tidak Menerima Hadiah
Seorang rakyat yang memberikan hadiah kepada seorang pemimpin pasti mempunyai maksud tersembunyi, entah ingin mendekati atau mengambil hati.Oleh karena itu, hendaklah seorang pemimpin menolak pemberian hadiah dari rakyatnya.Rasulullah bersabda,” Pemberian hadiah kepada pemimpin adalah pengkhianatan.” (Riwayat Thabrani).

ini merupakan sikap seorang pemimpin yang selalu di idam-idamkan oleh rakyatnya. Tegas bukan berarti otoriter, tapi tegas maksudnya adalah yang benar katakan benar dan yang salah katakan salah serta melaksanakan aturan hukum yang sesuai dengan Allah, SWT dan rasulnya.

Lemah Lembut
Doa Rasullullah,’ Ya Allah, barangsiapa mengurus satu perkara umatku lalu ia mempersulitnya, maka persulitlah ia, dan barang siapa yang mengurus satu perkara umatku lalu ia berlemah lembut kepada mereka, maka berlemah lembutlah kepadanya.

Selain poin- poin yang ada di atas seorang pemimpin dapat dikatakan baik bila ia memiliki STAF. STAF disini bukanlah staf dari pemimpin, melainkan sifat yang harus dimiliki oleh pemimpin tersebut. STAF yang dimaksud di sini adalah Sidiq(jujur),Tablig(menyampaikan),amanah(dapat dipercaya),fatonah(cerdas)

Sidiq itu berarti jujur. Bila seorang pemimpin itu jujur maka tidak adalagi KPK karena tidak adalagi korupsi yang terjadi dan jujur itu membawa ketenangan, kitapun diperintahkan jujur walaupun itu menyakitkan.
Tablig adalah menyampaikan, menyampaikan disini dapat berupa informasi juga yang lain. Selain menyampaikan seorang pemimpin juga tidak boleh menutup diri saat diperlukan rakyatnya karena Rasulullah bersabda,”Tidaklah seorang pemimpin atau pemerintah yang menutup pintunya terhadap kebutuhan, hajat, dan kemiskinan kecuali Allah akan menutup pintu-pintu langit terhadap kebutuhan, hajat, dan kemiskinannya.” (Riwayat Imam Ahmad dan At-Tirmidzi).
Amanah berarti dapat dipercaya. Rasulullah bersabda,” Jika seorang pemimpin menyebarkan keraguan dalam masyarakat, ia akan merusak mereka.” (Riwayat Imam Ahmad, Abu Dawud, dan Al-hakim). Karena itu seorang pemimpin harus ahli sehingga dapat dipercaya.
Fatonah ialah cerdas. Seorang pemimpin tidak hanya perlu jujur, dapat dipercaya, dan dapat menyampaikan tetapi juga cerdas. Karena jika seorang pemimpin tidak cerdas maka ia tidak dapat menyelesaikan masalah rakyatnya dan ia tidak dapat memajukan apa yang dipimpinnya.

Setelah kita mengetahui sebagian ciri- ciri pemimpin menurut islam. Marilah kita memilih dan membuat diri kita mendekati bahkan jika bisa menjadi seperti ciri- ciri pemimpin diatas karena kita merupakan Mahasiswa dan sebagai penerus bangsa.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Program Officer *

*Environmental Governance *

The Asia Foundation works in collaboration with the UK Climate Change Unit
to support efforts that improve the local governance of land use change and
forestry. The program began in late 2011 and is planned for four years, and
will work in around 15 districts in Kalimantan, Papua and Sumatra. Program
areas include strengthening local governance through partnerships with
CSOs, addressing the regulatory framework for land use change and forestry
issues, improving spatial planning and land use permitting, and utilizing
the justice sector to address forest conversion. Policy research and
political-economy analysis will be at the foundation of the program

Specifically, the PO will:

· Identify issues that need further study and analysis, and support
the design and management of relevant research, as needed

· Identify, manage and provide technical oversight of implementing
partners and their work

· Liaise with grants compliance officers to ensure strong financial
management by partners

· Provide or manage (through consultants) technical inputs to local

· Support monitoring and evaluation efforts

· Contribute to report writing and other communications products

Candidate should ideally possess:

· Advanced degree in public policy, social sciences (international
relations, political science, gender, sociology), development studies,
environmental sciences or law with minimum of eight years work experience
designing and implementing international development programs, with a
strong background or specialization in governance and/or environmental

· Experience in project management and strategic grant-making;

· Experience in developing and conducting training programs;

· Knowledge of environmental governance issues at the local and
national level in Indonesia

· Strong experience in forestry or spatial planning is preferred.

· Interest in the political-economy dimensions of environmental
governance in Indonesia;

· Knowledge of East Kalimantan province;

· Excellent verbal and written communication skills in both English
and Bahasa Indonesia;

· Strong written and analytical skills;

· Professional organizational abilities;

· Willingness to travel to remote regions.

Qualified applicants should email a cover letter (describing how they meet
the desired qualifications) and CV to on or before January
30, 2013.**

Only short listed candidates will be contacted.


1. Introduction
The Project Supporting Islamic Leadership in Indonesia (SILE/Local
Leadership for Development (LLD), funded by the Canadian International
Development Agency (CIDA) and executed by a Canadian Consulting firm, is to
build the capacity of a) selected State Islamic University (UIN) and State
Islamic Institute (IAIN) in their outreach functions with local communities and
b) the Ministry of Religious Affairs to effectively integrate democratic governance
practices in their strategies, programs and budgets to support university-based
community outreach.
The Project is presently looking for a full time Indonesian
University-Community Outreach Advisor (IUCOA).  The contract duration will be 2 years.  Please find below the Job Description and qualifications required.  The candidates interested to apply should
send their CV in English with a Letter of interest in English to: before February 6, 2013.  Only those selected
for interviews will be contacted.
2. Job
Position:        Indonesian
University-Community Outreach Advisor - IUCOA 
Location:       Jakarta,  significant travel to Makassar (UIN-M) and Surabaya (IAIN-S)
Reports to:    Canadian UCOA and Canadian Team Leader (CTL)
position, under the direction of the Canadian UCOA(based in Canada)and the CTL, has responsibility for
supporting the implementation of all project activities under Component 200(Strengthening UIN/IAIN Management
and the University Outreach Function), which provides
technical support primarily to UIN-M and IAIN-S for enhancing university
outreach/service to communities particularly as related to democratic
governance and general community development. Component 200 activities cover
not only the theory and practice of university outreach but supporting areas
including general university governance and management, staff capacity
development, curriculum review and development, and research and dissemination. 
With the
guidance of the UCOA and because of the intrinsic links between Components 100(Enhancing Community
level participation in Democratic Governance)and 200,
the IUCOA will work in close coordination with the Democratic Governance
Advisor (DGA). In addition, since the work and results of Component 200 also
must be coordinated with national-level policy-making and program support,
primarily at MORA, the IUCOA will coordinate various activities with the Component
300 Advisor.
·     Provide
advice and support to the CTL and Canadian UCOA
on various aspects of  implementation of
Component 200, including review of Capacity Development proposals (conference,
courses, training, etc.), selection
of participants, monitoring of post-activity outcomes, supervision and support
of short term consultants, trainers and localshort termtechnical assistants 
·        In
consultation with the UCOA, provide advice to the CTL onuniversity outreach,community
civilengagement, social capital, civic literacy, civic education, technologies appropriate
to foregoing, program planning, curriculum development, community based
education, informal and non-formal education
·         In
consultation with the CTL and UCOA, collaborate with the Component 100 and 300 Advisor to integrate Component
·         Provide
input to implementation/mainstreaming of the Gender Equality, Knowledge
Management and Environmental Management Strategies 
·         Work
actively with Project Officers(PO)at UIN-M and IAIN-S relatedComponent 200.  In particular, assist
with planning and implementation of  capacity development activities for organizational and staff development
at the institutional level 
·     Work closely with DGA on preparation and implementation
of outreach activities in the field with Working Groups (Pokja) especially
regarding the faculties/units members of those working groups
·         Participate in quarterly coordination and technical
meetings with Partners to discuss activity planning, lessons learned and
comments on reports
·         Ensure, in collaboration with UCOA, that the Capacity Development
Plan is updated
·         Assist CTL during CIDA monitor visits and for RBM
Performance Management Framework to be updated where necessary and for yearly
data collection 
·         Participate in the processes for monitoringCD outcomes/results, formative evaluation and
quality control throughout the CD activities of Component 200 
·         In
consultation with the UCOA, contribute to the annual work-planning process for
Component 200 and  to semi-annual and
annual progress reports
·         Help
identify relevant resources(Short term consultants and/or Resource Person)for organizational and
staff development activities for Component 200 
·         Facilitate
linkages between Indonesian partners and resources in Canada and elsewhere
3. Qualificationsrequired
-           Master’s degreerequiredor higher in a relevant
-           Experience
(more than 15 years)in and knowledge of higher educationand trainingin Indonesia,
preferably within the Islamic State system
-           Previous
experience (more than 15 years)community development or community engagement, preferably with asset-based and
capacity-based approaches
-           Previous
experience with participatory approaches to trainingand capacity development,
education, monitoring and evaluation
-           Previous
experience in international development project(s), in particular with program
-           Good
understanding of results-based management practicesand democratic governance principles and practices
-           Capacity
to speak and to write in English and in Indonesian
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply.  Gender equity and social inclusion is a high
priority for this Project


The Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia is a multi-stakeholder association dedicated to support Indonesian initiatives aiming at supporting governance reform agenda. The Partnership works closely with national and international community to initiate, advocate, and promote sustainable governance reform in Indonesia.

The Partnership brings together the Indonesian Government, Legislature, Judiciary, Civil Society, and the Corporate Sector with the support of the International Community in initiating a long-term process to improve governance in Indonesia in a durable way which expresses Indonesian ownership.

Currently we have immediate vacancy for high caliber Indonesians with high integrity to fill the following position:

Project Officer on Kemitraan's Support to Ministry of Forestry. 

Summary of key functions:    
1. Programmatic strategic direction and operation
2. Project design and formulation
3. Project management and implementation
4. Coordination, Technical Assistance and  Networking

Recruitment Qualifications:    

Education and Skills
Minimum Bachelors Degree in Forestry, Social Science or other related fields, having good knowledge regarding the current forestry policies; climate and REDD+ processes; clear commitment to governance reform; humble in character and patient in listening to stakeholders is a must; willing to develop a good teamwork with the Partnership staff ; having a good skill in report writing, and good skill on the use of ICT.

Minimum 3 years of relevant experience in program planning, implementation and monitoring; having good and wide relation with government agencies, good understanding in community based forest management issues, forest management unit (Kesatuan Pengelolan Hutan/KPH), Climate Change and REDD+, and have experience and skill in facilitating the development of multi-stakeholders processes.

Language Requirements
Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia.  

Please visit our website for more details of the position.

Application deadline : January 30, 2013.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Female candidates are encouraged to apply.


Save the Children is the world’s leading independent organization for children. We work in 120 countries. We save children’s lives; we fight for their rights; we help them fulfill their potential. We work together, with our partners, to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives. We have over two million supporters worldwide and raised 1.6 billion dollars last year to reach more children than ever before, through programs in health, nutrition, education, protection and child rights, also in times of humanitarian crises. 

By mid-2013 most of our international programs will be delivered through a merged operation with 14 000 staff, managed through seven regional hubs and reporting to a relatively small, central office. We’re changing to become more efficient, more aligned, a better partner, a stronger advocate, a magnet for world-class people and relevant for the 21st century. 

Save the Children has worked in Indonesia since 1976 to promote health and nutrition, education, child protection, livelihoods, and emergency preparedness and response. Save the Children has grown enormously in the country and today we operate in 13 provinces across Indonesia. Our program in Indonesia has made significant progress at the national policy level. Currently Save the Children immediately need for an experienced staff to be part of our Senior Management team and will be based in Jakarta . 

The position we are looking for: 

Humanitarian Manager (HM - Jakarta) – 1 post, based in Jakarta 

The post holder will provide senior leadership and strategic direction to all programmatic aspects of Save the Children humanitarian response in Indonesia. Ensure programme activities are effective and meet long-term designated goals and objectives of Save the Children, its donors, and the target population. Ensure immediate and appropriate response to children's needs during humanitarian crises. Ensure cross sector collaboration among technical units. Ensure proposals for funding are produced and donor reporting requirements are adhered to and are of highest standards. Ensure that Save the Children's commitment to improving quality and accountability in humanitarian work is upheld, and complies with all relevant policies and procedures with respect to child protection, health and safety. Under the supervision of the Director of Programs lead program development for disaster risk reduction, and climate change prevention and mitigation. 


As a member of the Senior Management Team, contribute to: 

• Leadership of the Indonesia Country Office 

• Support the development of an organisational culture that reflects our dual mandate values, promotes accountability and high performance, encourages a team culture of learning, creativity and innovation, and frees up our people to deliver outstanding results for children and excellent customer service for our Members and donors 

• Help design and implement a coherent organizational structure that is consistent with agency practices and appropriate to programme needs 

• Ensure Indonesia Country Office complies with all Save the Children Management Operating Standards and Standard Operating Procedures 

• Ensure that all required support is provided promptly, at scale and in line with the rules and principles during emergencies and for humanitarian operations, working closely with the Regional Office 

• Help establish, maintain, and improve active and regular working relationships with: host government authorities, partner agencies including humanitarian and development donors, and local and international NGOs 

Oversight and management of humanitarian programmes 

• Assume overall management oversight of planning and implementation of the SC humanitarian response and program budget in Indonesia 

• Expand the programming portfolio through capacity building of field staff, development of partnerships and networks, as well as development of new funding opportunities 

• As an overall budget holder of humanitarian grants, monitor the implementation of grant budgets, keeping all stakeholders informed and ensuring any corrective actions are taken 

• Ensure that existing finance guidelines and related administrative procedures are adhered to and that grant finances are kept in an exemplary state 

• Coordinate regular management and technical support visits to implementation sites to ensure that programming meets/exceeds international standards and corresponds to work plans and budgets 

• Ensure compliance with all relevant policies and procedures of Save the Children, e.g. child rights and safeguarding, donors and the government 

• Work closely with other thematic areas to harmonize humanitarian interventions 

• Work in closely with the Logistics Team to ensure efficient delivery and support of humanitarian programs 

Humanitarian preparedness and response 

• Ensure rapid response to the needs of children in times of crisis 

• Lead the development of the country program’s Humanitarian Preparedness and Response Strategy and Contingency Plans and liaise closely with the SCI Humanitarian Team 

• Make clear recommendations based on the Indonesia Response Strategy re: proposed program content, staffing, management and administration arrangements and budget with clear indications of funding and technical support resources 

• To ensure a short-term funding strategy is in place to resource the delivery of the humanitarian response strategy 

• Ensure Save the Children programs are included in the CAP and Flash appeals 

• Continually monitor the situation of the affected population and ensure revisions to humanitarian response strategy where necessary 

• Activate country Emergency Response Team as necessary 

• Ensure rapid humanitarian multi-sector integrated assessments are undertaken as necessary to continue to inform the implementation of the humanitarian response strategy 

• Support the Security Focal Point to ensure that optimal safety and security management procedures and practices are in place for the humanitarian response program and continually monitor the safety and security situation, adapting staff safety and security procedures accordingly

• To lead on the content and staffing of the humanitarian response; define and request support needed from the country office, regional office and SCI Humanitarian Team 

• Ensure that SMT and Regional Humanitarian Manager are well informed on issues related to humanitarian response and humanitarian risk management pertaining to all areas of operations. 

Disaster risk reduction programs 
Lead under the supervision of the Director of Programs the development of proposals related to disaster risk reduction, disaster prevention and disaster risk reduction. Provides technical advice to assure high quality implementation of such programs. Works with other technical advisors and program managers to ensure with the goal of incorporating disaster risk reduction as a cross theme in every program that the country office implements. 

Monitoring and reporting 

• Ensure that program objectives and activities are agreed upon within the context of Save the Children values, aims and objectives 

• Ensure production and timely dissemination of high quality, analytical reports, supply of regular situation reports, and collection, analysis and dissemination of relevant information and data relevant to the response 

• Evaluate, monitor and review to ensure strict compliance of program activities with Save the Children national and global policies and procedures and with relevant donor regulations and agreements, SPHERE guidelines and the NGO code of conduct. 

Representation, communication & relationship building 

• Represent Save the Children on national forums, workshops and meetings regarding humanitarian issues 

• Establish and maintain strong relationships with key national partners and coordinate with other INGOs with humanitarian capacity 

• Ensure effective representation of Save the Children’s humanitarian response to local authorities, donors, working groups, clusters, task forces, and other members of the humanitarian community 

• Ensure establishment and maintenance of strong working relationships with local communities, community based organizations and other local authorities as appropriate. 

Staff Management, Mentorship, and Development – Humanitarian 

• Ensure that all staff understand and are able to perform their role in an humanitarian response 

• Manage Humanitarian team; define expectations, provide leadership and technical support as needed, and evaluate direct reports regularly 

• Develop and train the country Emergency Response Team in coordination with the Regional Humanitarian Manager and the SCI Humanitarian Team 

• Ensure the recruitment, training, and promotion of staff as appropriate and ensure availability of appropriate professional development opportunities for staff 

• Incorporate staff development strategies and Performance Management Systems into team building process. Establish result based system and follow up 

• Manage the performance of all staff in the Humanitarian work area through: 

ü Effective use of the Performance Management System including the establishment of clear, measureable objectives, ongoing feedback, periodic reviews and fair and unbiased evaluations; 

ü Coaching, mentoring and other developmental opportunities; 

ü Recognition and rewards for outstanding performance; 

• Documentation of performance that is less than satisfactory, with appropriate performance improvements/ work plans 


• Bachelors degree in a related field 

• Recommended minimum of three years experience in humanitarian preparedness and response in a number of fragile or complex contexts 

• Recommended minimum of three years experience in disaster risk reduction programming 

• Experience of working in insecure environments 

• Ample knowledge of humanitarian response and transitional program concepts, policies, frameworks, strategies and components, as well as other development concepts and frameworks 

• Extensive on the ground experience in multi-sector humanitarian response, including food assisted programs 

• Experience in logistics management 

• Solid budgeting skills and knowledge of key donor regulations 

• Highly developed interpersonal and communication skills including influencing, negotiation and coaching 

• Highly developed cultural awareness and ability to work well in an international environment with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures 

• Knowledge of Save the Children's practices and procedures and ways of working with children 

• Willingness to work and travel in often difficult and insecure environments 

• Fluency in English, both verbal and written 

• Competency in local language 

• Commitment to Save the Children valuesHonest, encourages openness and transparency. 

Updated CV and application letter should be sent
Please fill the “subject” column of the e-mails in this format: code of the position <…> - your name <…>. 
Closing date for application is 10 (ten) working days after this advertisement or up to 30 January 2013 
(Only short-listed candidates will be notified) 

All recruitment practices and procedures reflect SC’s commitment to protecting children from abuse