Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Lowongan Kerja AWO Asia

of Reference
Implementation and Follow up of a 
Monitoring Workshop
 in Davao City / Philippines

I.              BACKGROUND
International e.V. is the international expert unit of the German Social Welfare
Organization AWO. It was founded 1998 as a professional association for
humanitarian aid and development cooperation in order to professionalize AWO’s
decade long engagement in Development Cooperation and its commitment to Humanitarian
International aims to create and strengthen awareness about the need for
international collaboration and advocates development work in the area of
welfare provision to working people.  AWO
International is committed to work towards the betterment of socially and
economically marginalized communities such as women, children, youth, the rural
population, ethnic minorities and indigenous people, refugees and displaced
people. It aims at enabling and initiating development processes on their own
capacities. It therefore supports collaborative development projects which are
engaged in improving the livelihood and promoting the empowerment of those
affected by humanitarian crisis in urban and rural areas. Special emphasis is
given to the promotion of women as gender equality and children development.  
program is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and
Development and carried out in close collaboration with local partner NGOs.
Within this program the Southeast Asia office of AWO International in
Yogyakarta is extending financial and technical support to a number of partner
organizations in Indonesia and Philippines. Our strong commitment is to support
the implementation of Social Justice and Ecological Sustainable Economic
Development. For more information on AWO International please visit the website
program in Southeast Asia focuses on community development activities at present
in part of Indonesia and the Philippines.
Gradually, the scope of development cooperation widened in number and nature
with project-based support to partners working on issues ranging from community
development, organic farming, trafficking to child labor. At present, they are
two partners in Indonesia
working on project in Aceh and West-Java regions and three partners in the
Mindanao region of the Philippines.
With the year 2011 a 3 year phase in the cooperation with all the partners
ended and a new three year phase will be starting in 1 January 2012 and
runs  until 31 December 2014
International in Southeast Asia and its
partner organization apply the following project interventions as part of an
integrated approach:

of Livelihood: Sustainable Development through Sustainable
Agriculture, Strengthening of livelihood activities to promote local/natural
resources; training to promote increase in productivity and improvement of
market access; activities to improve basic infrastructure.

Development and Community Health: Empowering communities to take in
active role in their children health and education as well as their own.
Improvement of access to better nutrition, sanitation, health awareness and
medical services by providing these services through schools, clinics and
community centers.

Children Development and Education: Supporting equal opportunity to marginalized
groups of children, women and minorities through self-development. Encouraging to
become stronger individuals by improving their skills and expanding their
knowledge, thus reducing the vulnerability towards child trafficking, child
labor and child prostitution. 

of social structure: Activities (capacity building and
institutional support) to strengthen the organizational development of partner
organization and to promote community based organization.

for the participation in decision-making structures: creation of
thematically coherent civil society networks and linking marginalized sections
of society with government agencies/schemes (advocacy and lobbying).
Southeast Asia Office in Yogyakarta is currently working with five partners,
two in Indonesia and three in the Philippines
AWO International in the Philippines
Southeast Asia Office in Yogyakarta is currently working with the following three
partner organization based in Davao del Norte, MindanaoCity,
largely in the field of trafficking and child labor.
·         TALIKALAfocuses on reduction of trafficking in women and children for sexual
exploitation in densely populated neighborhood on the outskirts of DavaoCity.
Talikala provides consulting and training for children and young people (mostly
girls and women), training for the prevention of child trafficking, as well as
construction of child protection council.

FOUNDATION support families with very low income, working children, parents and
children through providing education, training and workshop on child right and
healthy development of children. The activity aim to reduce the involvement of
children in heavy and hazardous work in DavaoCity
and its neighboring village. (for further information see  

·         CHILD ALERT MINDANAO focuses on assisting
local communities in establishing child protection network and support
mechanism for victims of exploitation and abuse as well as develops capacities
of children and service provider (GO-NGO) on issues of child labor, trafficking
and existing legal provisions.  
partner had worked out a detailed impact oriented log frame for a 3 year phase
starting January 2012. For the indicators in this log frame, they developed the
necessary baseline data. To monitor more effectively the progress of their
projects, based on the activities in line with the indicators in the log frame,
a trainer will be required to design and implement a suitable workshop, based
on the special needs of the participants. He/she also has to coordinate as a
follow up the monitoring activities by an advisory service for the above
mentioned partner organizations. 
A relevant aspect of
the workshop are exercises with the participants on different monitoring tools
and instruments, as they are common for NGOs, applying participative methods. The
tools and instruments should be presented, explained and exercised. In
workgroups advises should be given on the monitoring plans, based on the
indicators in the logframes of each organization. All participants should have
useful handouts at the end of the workshop for their monitoring activities in
their projects.    
At the end
of the workshop, the participants will have the capability to draft a
comprehensive monitoring plan for their program area. For this they will be
qualified on how to create effective questionnaires, validate, analyze,
evaluate and utilize monitoring data and how to produce an appropriate
monitoring report based on the indicators in their logframe using participative
monitoring tools. All partners will have worked out their own   monitoring plan adapted to their needs and
the specific project, partly with guidance from the consultant, partly by their
V.            TIMEFRAME 
service is expected to be in two parts:
Part 1: Training Workshop
Monitoring Training workshop will be carried out in Davao City/ Philippines.
The timeframe is 4 days and will be realized from 18 until 21 March. Within these 4 days, knowledge transfer,
exercising groups, practice sessions and exchange of experiences among the
participants are welcomed. From each partner organizations around 3-4
participants are expected to take part. The total number of participants will
be around 12.  
Part 2: Supervised Monitoring(1 day
for each partner organization)
in the field with guidance of the consultant on Friday 22 March.  Each
partner organization will select his example area and will carry out its task
with its individual monitoring with supervision by the consultant.
·         Post-graduate degree or relevant fields –
development studies, education or science.
·   Experiences in project management, monitoring
and evaluation in the frame work of  community development and social structure
·         Demonstrated experience in all aspects of
project management
·         Relevant working experiences with
International NGO.
·         Experience living or working in rural
·         Commitment to continuous improvement and
quality standards.
·         Willingness to work independently or to work
in a team.
·         Ability to take a learning approach to
continuously improve.
·         Commitment to maintaining the highest
standards of confidentially at all times.
·         Local context knowledge is a condition
VII.         THE OFFER
The AWO Southeast
Asia office expects offers latest until 8 February 2013. The offer shall include
a workshop concept and program based on the methodology described above, a list
of monitoring tools and instruments including a sample monitoring plan in a
matrix, the time needed in days including preparation and reporting as well as
the honorary calculated per day. The offer should be sent to the following
Email address:
For further
information please contact:
Yuni Kurniyatiningsih
Regional Project Officer Southeast Asia
AWO International e.V Southeast Asia Office:
Kompleks Colombo No. 36
Caturtunggal, Depok Sleman, Yogyakarta
Tel       : +62 274 582808, 
Fax      : +62 274 582807
Mobile  : +62 852 2859 8088
              +62 878 3976 8159
Email   : 

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